Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Happy Mother’s Day!  I hope this blog post finds you feeling loved and well rested.

In math, we are working on many concepts.  One important concept for kindergarteners this year is to identify 3 Dimensional shapes and describe attributes
Another concept we will be working on is (and have been for the past few months) is fluently adding and subtracting within 5 using various strategies.  In addition we will be learning how to make 10.  For any number 1-9, represent the number that makes 10 when added to the given number. 
Students will love working with graphs and tally charts. We will be spending some time recording and analyzing data.  For example, we will be completing a class survey.  Students will go around and ask their peers different questions.  After the survey, we will sit down and analyze the data to draw conclusions.

Language Arts:
We have learned all of the kindergarten Lively Letters.  We moved from the picture cards to the regular letters. In writing, however, students can use the lively letters picture cards or another alphabet chart to help them sound out words and form letters.

Eric Carle Author Study:
We have just begun our author study of Eric Carle.  Students watched a video about this famous author and illustrator.  They were so excited to learn that he wrote and illustrated many books that they know and that we’ve read this year. We will spend a lot of time reading his books this month.  Many of our math, science and ELA activities will be connected to these stories. Last week, we read the book A House for Hermit.  Students retold the story, completed a writing piece about the book, and then created Hermit Crab, the main character.  Ask your kindergartener about this precious story. Wednesday is our Eric Carle Painting Day. See below for details!

Sight Words:
We have learned all 25 Kindergarten sight words, so we have moved on.  Please continue to review ALL sight words learned this year with your kindergartner!
We have been having a lot of fun writing ‘How To’ books.  Our classes read books about how to make a pizza, and then wrote our own.  When we were finished with our books, we actually used the ‘How to Make a Pizza’ book to make our own pizzas.  It was so much fun to put the pizzas in the oven!

This week we are beginning to write our end of the year personal narratives.  We will be sharing them at our June 17th Author’s Share.  It is going to be great!

We are not finished with word families.  We will finish the year learning as many new words families as possible.

Wednesday, May 13th is Painting Day in Kindergarten!  Please have your child wear clothing that you don’t mind getting paint on.  You may also send in an old button down shirt for a smock as well for extra protection. Thank you!!

May 19th~ Miller Kindergarten Field Day
More information to follow

Online Practice:
Addition practice~

Subtraction practice~

Sight Word Review~